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All-In Weekend

Join us!

On Friday 21 - Sunday 23 June, we'd love you to join us for our All-In Weekend!

What's going on?

Here's the rundown for the weekend:

Friday 21 June: Come Holy Spirit
We'll gather together at 20:00 to worship God, pray and spend time in his presence.

Saturday 22 June: Outward-Looking Saturday
We'll be going out to share God's love in practical ways through various projects. Head to the All-In Weekend Project Desk on a Sunday to find out more about how you can get involved.

Sunday 23 June: Try Church Sunday
Our three services will be specifically aimed at those who don't usually come to church, so think about who you could invite!


On Saturday 22 June, we'll have a variety of projects for you and the whole family to get involved with.

If you're unsure of where to start, then we have several large-scale centralised projects that you can get involved with, such as helping to renovate a local school or brightening up a public area. If you'd like to get involved in one of our large projects, you can sign up here.

If you're a Small Group leader and have an idea for a project that you and your Small Group could get involved with, then we'd love to know about it and how we can support you. For more information about that, head here.