Compassion - Food Bank 01

Trent Compassion

Who we are

We believe that as followers of Jesus, we are called to live out compassion and justice in our daily lives. We have a number of ministries aimed at journeying alongside people as they discover their God-given worth and potential. We see ourselves as part of a city-wide support network of churches and organisations, partnering together to reach out to those who need us.

Compassion Ministries: We are always looking for volunteers to join our team

Compassion Prayer / We recognise that prayer is such an essential part of working with God and we want Jesus to be at the centre of it all. We would love anyone who has a passion for prayer and a passion to see God’s purposes outworked in our city, to join this team.

Fostering and Adoption / We have several fostering and adoptive families here at Trent. If you foster or have adopted, or wish to support those who do, we meet once a month for coffee, share our experiences and pray for each other.

Overseas / As a church we partner with and support a number of ministries overseas. A crucial part of this ongoing partnership is prayer support for our overseas partners and families in Japan, Ghana, India, Zimbabwe and the persecuted church. More info here.

Prisons / This team works with and serves the prison chaplaincy by running a Sunday morning service, talking with the prisoners and praying with them. This role requires a DBS check.

Refugee Support / Working with other charities offering befriending in the city. We help support people with the Life in the UK course, teach English and play football together.

Soup Run / This team goes out to meet people on the streets, and have a real heart for the homeless and building relationships with them.

Step Forward Employability / This team helps people get back into work or training and we do this through workshops, mentoring and support. We are always interested in getting more people involved, whether you are able to mentor or even offer work placements.

Step Forward Housing / The aim of this project is to encourage and support the tenants to find a place again in a community, a permanent home, work and/or further training. Volunteers are required to come alongside individuals to support them through befriending, mentoring, prayer and support with practical tasks.

Step Forward Money Advice / We offer free money management support and debt advice, partnering with people in a compassionate, empathetic and a non-judgmental way. We currently have four different centres to meet and support people.

The Arches / Helping those experiencing poverty with furniture and household items. There are a number of different teams; working with donations, being out on the van, furniture restoration and more.

The Attic / Volunteers in our shop prepare and sell vintage and retro items to raise funds to support Trent Compassion as well as looking after eBay and Instagram sales, admin and marketing.

Trent Justice / As a member organisation of Nottingham Citizens, Trent is working with institutions across Nottingham to address issues of injustice highlighted through an ongoing listening process.

Volunteer Story - Soup Run

Maggie Photo Play Video Icon

I’m interested in Volunteering:

If you are part of the Trent Vineyard family, please complete the form:

Someone will be in touch with you soon.

Please read our data and privacy policy

Furniture and household items

The Arches, which is the practical provision ministry at Trent Compassion, is always in need of good quality furniture and household items in good condition including:

Single beds / Double beds / Sofas / Chests of drawers / White goods / Dining tables and chairs

Bedding / cutlery / crockery / saucepans / towels / microwaves / toasters / kettles

Please see for more information.

Dropping donations off

Please come to Trent Compassion building during these hours, and use the Youth Centre gates on Lenton Lane.

Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 10:00 - 12:00
First Saturday of the month 10:00 - 12:00