

Thank you for your interest in giving.

Regular giving

To setup giving via standing order our bank details are as follows:

Trent Vineyard
Account number: 80008346
Sort code: 20-63-25

Or to set up regular giving online click here.

If you start or make a change to your giving it would help if you could let us know at: [email protected]

One-off gifts

To give a one-off gift, please click here.

Thank you for your generosity.

Gift aid

As a charity we can boost your giving by 25% through reclaimed tax but only if you give us your consent.

To do this please click here.

Considering Leaving a Legacy?

By leaving a gift in your will to Trent Vineyard you are helping us to continue the work well into the future, so together we can fulfil the vision. God has called us to as a church. When you leave a legacy, however large or small, you can have confidence in knowing that you are helping make an enormous difference and have a long-lasting impact. If you don’t have a will or need advice, you will need to first engage a solicitor or will writing specialist to assist you.

Also in some cases giving to a charity can reduce the inheritance tax on your estate, increasing the amount available to support your loved ones, visit the government’s site here for more details. If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to Trent Vineyard and would like to speak to someone about it, please contact: [email protected].

Why give?

We're so thankful for the generosity of those who give to Trent Vineyard. We see giving as an expression of our worship and a way of advancing our vision as a church.

John Bodily, our Senior Pastor, explained our vision for 2025-26 here. For more detail on how the church finances are managed please visit here.

For more information about giving, fill in the form below: