Trent Kids Hi

Trent Kids

Welcome to
Trent Kids

Trent Kids are passionate about kids never knowing a day without Jesus. Come and join us every Sunday at 09:30 and 11:15. We have groups for 0-11's that run for the duration of our morning service as well as loads going on midweek. If you'd like to get in touch, please email If you’d like to find out more about our vision in Trent Kids, click here.

Trent Kids Highlights

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We have a number of different groups running both during a Sunday morning and midweek. If you'd like to get in touch, please email

Trent Kids Sundays

Each Sunday we have groups for all ages where children can be signed in for the duration of the service.

0s, 1s, 2s, 3s and Jets (age 4 to the end of Foundation 2 in school) meet in the main warehouse.

Lift Off (school years 1 and 2), Rockets (school years 3 and 4), Discovery (school years 5 and 6) and Comets (our group for some of our children with additional needs in school years 1-6) meet in the Trent Kids Centre.

Parents can sign their children in at the sign-in stations in the Kids Centre reception or outside G2 in the main warehouse, and then drop them off at their groups from 09:15 or 11:00. Kids team will be on hand to help you get signed in and point you in the right direction.

During the morning the kids enjoy games, crafts, worship, teaching and a whole lot of fun!

If you would like to find out more about what a Sunday in Trent Kids looks like, and how we champion children with additional support needs then click here.

Baby and Toddler midweek groups

Bumps to Babies

We meet in the Kids Centre (K3) at 10.30 on a Tuesday morning. We love to drink coffee, eat cake and talk through the highs and lows of being a new parent. This group is all about building lasting friendships and spending time with other new or expecting parents. To find out more get in touch with us here.

Toddler Haven

Come join us for fun, toys, singing and craft at our Baby and Toddler Haven group. Running every Friday (term time only) 10-11:30 in the Kids Centre Auditorium. Toddler Haven offers a chance to build community, let the little ones play and lots of homemade cakes! To see what’s happening at the moment, check out of Facebook page.

Kids Midweek Groups

Microgroups are small groups, for slightly smaller people. Just like adult small groups, they are a space for kids to be known, supported and championed as they seek to grow in their faith. We play games, we read the Bible, we eat lots of snacks, and we share the successes and struggles of life together.

Microgroups run fortnightly on a Tuesday from 18:00-19:00 in the Kids Centre for those in school years 4-6. If you would like to register your child’s interest in joining a Microgroup, then please do get in touch here.

Kids Events

We have a number of kids and families events running across the year. To see what’s coming up, do check out the calendar below or get in touch with us at

Infant Baptisms & Dedications

We believe children are a gift from God! Here at Trent we want to celebrate this with you and stand alongside you as you seek to raise your children to know and love God. To find out more about our Infant Dedication and Baptism services do get in touch with us at

Faith at Home

We love seeing your children in Trent Kids, and we also want you to feel equipped to talk about faith and go deeper at home. The Bible says:

Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (The Message)

Fortunately there are lots of great resources to help! Here are just a few things that we have found helpful:

Faith at Home: Summer Activities

Faith at Home: Parenting Resources

Faith at Home: Kids Resources

Conversation cards - These cards can be printed out and used a good discussion starter around the dinner table to talk about life and faith as a family.

Trent Kids YouTube Channel - Our YouTube channel is filled with fun videos, covering foundations of faith topics, stories from the Bible, Dance videos, worship videos and more!

Parenting Network

We host regular events to encourage each other as we seek to help our families follow Jesus. These events are advertised through Trent Youth and Trent Kids emails as well as in the weekly church email.

We also run Parents’ lounges during midweek Trent Kids and Trent Youth sessions where parents can hang out together, get to know each other and look to support one another.

Every Microgroup Tuesday 18:00 – 19:00 K7 in the Kids Centre

Every Trent Youth Tuesday 19:30 – 21:00 F2 in the main building

For more information contact:

Getting Involved in Serving in Trent Kids

It takes a volunteer team of over 320 adults each month to support and champion our kids. If you would like to find out about how you can get involved in the Trent Kids team, then check out this link.

We also have a number of ways for kids to get involved in serving as well. To find out more, head here.


We're committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of kids. If you'd like a copy of our safeguarding policy, please contact Caroline Riley or for more information visit our Safeguarding page.