Safeguarding - 01


Care for everyone.

As followers of Jesus we are keen to follow Him in sharing God’s love and care for everyone that comes into contact with us, particularly children and adults with additional care and support needs. We want to provide a safe environment in which people can thrive emotionally and spiritually. We want to do all we can to ensure their well-being, taking a responsibility to safeguard them from any form of abuse. We will properly record and report any abuse that we discover or suspect.

Staff and volunteers are trained and committed to working together to build an environment and culture that is safe. Appropriate checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service are made wherever appropriate. Every member of the Trent Kids’ and Youth teams has an enhanced disclosure check.

Report a concern

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Tell us who or what it is you have a concern about...

Please provide the address of the person if you know it
If the ministry area is not listed please select 'Other' and enter that in the space below.
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Tell us about the concern or incident

Please provide as much information as you can including names, times and dates.

If you are part of a team at Trent Vineyard please ensure that you have made your team leader aware. If they feel that further action is required they will contact the ministry pastor or the Safeguarding Co-ordinator. If they are not available and advice is needed urgently the thirtyone-eight 24 hours helpline – 0303 003 11 11 can be contacted for help.

If a child or an adult with care and support needs is at risk of immediate harm the police should be contacted.

Please read our data and privacy policy

More information.

Please click here to see our safeguarding policy statement. Please email [email protected] if you would like to see a copy of the full safeguarding policy. Other useful numbers are:

For adults: Nottingham City Council0300 1310 300 (option 2)

For children: Nottingham City Council0115 876 4800

Trent Vineyard is member of thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS), they have a 24/7 helpline for advice on safeguarding concerns (adults or children) - 0303 003 1111