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Connecting with us

Whether you’re exploring faith or interested in joining us we’d love to connect with you. You can let us know what you’re interested in by filling in our online connect form here and we’ll be in touch.

Click here to connect with us.

Join us for a newcomers' meal

If you’re thinking about making Trent Vineyard your church, we’d like to invite you for a newcomers' meal. It’s a great opportunity to meet our Senior Pastor, John Bodily, hear his personal story and meet some of our other leaders too.

Sign up for our next meal here.

Explore who Jesus is at Alpha

Got questions? Try Alpha…

Alpha is a chance to ask the big questions of life and explore the Christian faith in a fun, relaxed environment. To sign up to our next Alpha course visit here.

Jesus changing lives

Our Changing Lives book and films feature just some of the many stories of Jesus transforming lives at Trent Vineyard.

You can watch and read some of the stories here...

Small groups

Small Groups are the best way to connect and get to know others and are a place to belong and be known. Everyone gets to share life with one another - listening, learning and supporting each other through its ups and downs. Small Groups are for people local to the Nottinghamshire area and usually meet on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

If you're interested in joining a group, let us know using our connect form or email [email protected]

Our vision

You can find out more about Trent Vineyard’s vision and values by listening to excerpts of our Founding Pastors, John and Debby, from the original vision recordings from 1996 here. The podcast gives a great explanation of who we are and why we do what we do.

Joining Trent Vineyard

If you decide that Trent Vineyard is the church for you, the best way to settle in is to get involved. We want to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and accepted, and find their way at their own pace. If you’d like to become a member, there are four things we ask you to do:

  • 1

    Join us on Sundays

  • 2

    Join a small group

  • 3

    Find somewhere to serve

  • 4

    Give a portion of your income regularly