Kingdom of God websplash plain

Kingdom of God

Small Group resources

In June and July 2021 we will be delving into the experience and expression of the Kingdom of God. We will look at what the Kingdom of God is and how it shapes our lives. Here you will find a number of resources for use in your Small Groups. These resources will be a great way for us to explore the Kingdom of God together as a church family, build on the Sunday talks, and to go a bit deeper into exploring what the Kingdom of God means for us personally, in Small Groups, and as a church.

An introduction from John Bodily

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The what and the why of the Kingdom of God

John introduces the series on the Kingdom of God including an overview of the Kingdom through the bible.

If you missed the talk you can watch it here

Small Group focus week - Session 1

Watch the video below with your group and answer the discussion questions together

Note: You could use the screen share option when meeting online, or you could share the link with your group members for them to watch the video before you meet if that's easier.

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1. How would you explain what the kingdom of God is to someone who had never heard of it?

2. Read through the picture of the kingdom described in Isaiah 61

    · In what ways and to what extent do you see the kingdom of God arrived in the ministry of Jesus

    · What about today - does this describe the world we live in?

    3. What parts of God’s kingdom do you long to see break into

      · Your life ?

      · Your city ?

      · The world ?


      Turn your answers to question 3 into a prayer list and spend some time praying “your kingdom come : your will be done “.


      Colossians 1:13

      1 John 5: 9

      2 Samuel 7:12–16

      Daniel 2

      Daniel 7

      Isaiah 61

      Small Group focus week - Session 2

      Watch the video below with your group and answer the discussion questions together

      Note: You could use the screen share option when meeting online, or you could share the link with your group members for them to watch the video before you meet if that's easier.

      If you missed the talk you can watch it here

      Screenshot 2021 06 04 at 10 51 37 Play Video Icon


      1. What were your main reflections on the video? What stood out? Was there anything that didn’t make any sense?

      2. Have you had experiences of the ‘now’ of the kingdom?

      3. Have you had experiences of the ‘not yet’?

      4. Where in your life would you love to see God’s kingdom ‘break in’?


      Turn your answers to question 4 into a prayer list and spend some time praying “your kingdom come : your will be done"

      Would anyone in the group value prayer for healing?

      Would anyone in the group value prayer for disappointment where they haven't experienced the Kingdom come?

      The Kingdom of God part 1 - The O.T. Expectation

      The Kingdom of God Part 2 – The Already and the Not Yet

      Small Group focus week - Session 3

      Watch the video below with your group and answer the discussion questions together.

      Note: You could use the screen share option when meeting online, or you could share the link with your group members for them to watch the video before you meet if that's easier.

      Screenshot 2021 06 04 at 10 53 43 Play Video Icon